Is it perfect? No. Can things go wrong with them? Yes! Just like any inverter really.
We often speak to people who are told that Fronius are the only inverter that works. This is not true at all. Case in point this burnout that was posted on a group forum recently below. Yes, back in the day it was really only SMA and Aurora inverters that worked all.over the country, an SMA that was installed in Darwin in 1990, the first in the counrty, is still working to this day. Though perhaps that was because it had a BP badge on it .
Jokes aside though it's important to know that you don't have to pay for the most expensive inverter on the market anymore to have a good system. You can even look at it from the perspective as it's possible to buy 3 cheap inverters for 1 premium one.
Though it is important to note that we personally think you're best off doing it once, and doing it right when it comes to solar. Everyday the system isn't working is a day you're not earning.
So in summery, do you need a Fronius, well, that's entirely your choice. If you feel that's what you're most comfortable with on your home, and remember it's going to be there for a long time, then go for it, you won't be disappointed. But we must stress it's not essential that you do so and there are other options.